Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Starting the New Year Right

Leaping Woman on her recumbent trike at Shoreline Park
Originally uploaded by leapingwoman
"The bicycle is the most civilized conveyance known to man."
Iris Murdoch, The Red and the Green

When I first got the trike in August, KJ and I set a goal of riding together in Shoreline Park. We had a plan for achieving this: First I would slowly build up strength riding around the neighborhood until I could do a few miles and handle some uphills. Then we'd load KJ's recumbent on a bike rack, and I'd drive it over to the park while KJ rode my trike over. We've been working up to this since August, and I completed my first 5 mile ride a few days ago. So today was the day, and it was glorious!

The park was sunny with no wind. There were a lot of families out walking and biking, so it was a bit crowded. But people are curious about the trike and tend to make way for it. It was exhilarating to finally ride along the salt pond and look out over the water and all the wintering birds. Then we ditched the crowds and rode back behind the golf course. We only did about 2.5 miles, but we'll go back when it's less crowded and cruise around some more.

I like the twist of starting the new year by achieving a goal, rather than facing a list of new resolutions.

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