Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Leaping Woman Lands!

"Leap, and the net will appear."
American naturalist John Burroughs

That was the opening quote when I started the Leaping Woman blog on October 26, 2007. I had quit my job after 26 years in the computing industry, and volunteered for a service year with a nonprofit. I chose the Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology (ABI) because I had benefited from its programs over the years and because I believe in its mission: to improve technology by involving more women at all stages, and to improve the lives of the world's women through technology.

I had no idea what I'd do after that service year. The quote served as a mantra, warding off any fear about the future. Everything was open to exploration; everything was an option; even as I knew at that some point I'd have to start thinking about that next paying job.

The net began materializing when one of ABI's staff moved on to a new position. I volunteered to cover the online communities work she'd been doing, until the dust settled. Everything I'd been exploring, reading up on and playing with online suddenly was of practical daily use. I learned to use social networking tools with funny names that made my friends say, "Huh?" I started to form a vision, and come up with new ideas to try. I bounced out of bed in the morning, looking forward to the day's work. And I started talking with the staff about joining their team.

"Leap, and the net will appear. " On March 3, 2008 I became an employee of the Anita Borg Institute. Leaping Woman has landed, and with a big smile on her face.

Readers of this blog are already aware that as my involvement with ABI has increased, my activity on this blog has decreased. I expect to do most of my writing now on the ABI website. Thank you for reading the Leaping Woman blog. And thanks for all of your support while I made that leap. One more quote, before I go:

"All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail."
— poet Dorothea Brande